Be Very Careful - Con Ed Reports Stray Voltage Coming From Roosevelt Island Street Lights and Parking Meters Between Tram And Subway -Southeast Corner of 405 Main Street Too Advises RIOC
Just received this advisory from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
We have been informed by Con Edison of stray voltages coming out of the street lights and parking meters at the following locations. West Side between the subway and the tram roadway, and southeast corner of Building 6, 405 Main Street. Con Edison and RIOC personal have the areas conned off and secure and are currently working to correct the situation.More on Stray Voltage from Con Ed and these previous posts.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
UPDATE 12/18 - According to RIOC:
Con edison has temporarily disconnected several lights on the Westdrive between Riverwalk buildings 405 and 425. RIOC has placed emergency generator lights at this location until the street lights are fully restored.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group