Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Plaza Opened For The Most Part - Here's A Tour

The Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Plaza Restoration Project has completed about 2/3 of the work and today the eastern sidewalk

and  southern portion of the Plaza are open to the public.

During the November 28 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Committee meeting (audio webcast here), RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez reported on causes for delay in the Good Shepherd Plaza Restoration Project including drainage installation problems by the contractor that were corrected and weather delays.

Also discussed was the replacement of the Good Shepherd roof - whether the roof will be a slate roof as was it's original condition or some other less expensive material such as fake slate or asphalt.

Here is the Operations Committee discussion on subject.

You Tube Video Of Ops Committee Discussion of Good Plaza Restoration Project

Mr. Fernandez took me on a tour of the Plaza recently and discussed the restoration project

You Tube Video of Good Shepherd Plaza Restoration Tour

including the possibility of moving the Farmers Market to Good Shepherd Plaza.

Work on the northern portion of the Plaza will stop for the winter and start in the Spring.


SThia said...

Putting the farmer's market at the plaza is a great idea, but I hope they don't let trucks park on the new flooring, this is why so many areas of the Island are in such disrepair and dangerously uneven..such as the area around Blackwell House. Hope they keep the trucks off!

roozevelt said...

The plaza looks really nice with the new black light poles.  Those old light poles were terribly ugly.

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