Friday, January 20, 2012

11 Roosevelt Island Organizations Seeking More Than A Quarter Million Dollars In Public Purpose Funds - $100,000 Available, RIRA Starts Vetting Process and Will Make Recommendations To RIOC

Below are the organizations requesting Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) 2012 Public Purpose Fund Grants and the amounts sought.

Roosevelt Landings Residents Association - $ 2,800.00
Roosevelt Island Disabled Association, Inc. -  $ 10,500.00
R&R Concerts Inc. -  $ 14,400.00
Island Kids, Inc. - $ 16,000.00
Flannigan Chiropractic Offices -  $ 19,200.00
Roosevelt Island Seniors Association, Inc. - $ 20,000.00
Roosevelt Island Community Literary Associates, Inc. -  $ 20,000.00
Life Frames, Inc. - $ 25,000.00
Roosevelt Island Historical Society - $ 26,000.00
Parent-Teacher Association PS IS 217M, Inc. -  $ 26,558.00
Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association, Inc. - $ 28,800.00
Roosevelt Island Day Nursery, Inc. - $ 35,000.00
Roosevelt Island Swimming, Inc. - $ 53,000.00
Total Amount Requested - $ 297,258.00
After receiving this list, I learned that the requests by Roosevelt Landings Residents Association and Flannigan Chiropractic Offices were disqualified by RIOC because these applicants were not 501 C (3) or (4) organizations as required under the guidelines.

The total amount of funds available is $100 thousand.

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) has been delegated by RIOC to make recommendations to the RIOC Board for the allocation of available Public Purpose Funds.  RIRA created a Public Purpose Funds Committee that will interview and evaluate the applicant organizations and then make recommendations as to how the funds get distributed to the full RIRA Common Council. Upon approval by the RIRA Common Council, the recommendations are forwarded to the RIOC Board for approval.

Image Of 2011 RIRA Public Purpose Funds Subcommittee Meeting

As reported in this post from last year on the Public Purpose Funds allocation process:
... I attended two of the Public Purpose Funds Sub-Committee meetings. One meeting involved the interviewing of two applicant organizations for funding. The second meeting was the actual discussion by Committee members of their reasons for and final recommendations to RIRA of allocating Public Purpose Funds to the applicant organizations. I must say that I was pleased and impressed with the diligence, thoughtfulness and hard work displayed by the Public Purpose Funds Sub-Committee in reviewing the applications and arriving at their final recommendations....
The RIRA Public Purpose Funds Committee intends to have their recommendations submitted for approval to the April 2012 RIOC Board Meeting.

More from RIOC on Public Purpose Funds and from these previous posts.