Monday, February 6, 2012

Cornell Technion Roosevelt Island NYC Applied Sciences & Engineering School Seeking Additional International University Partners - Cornell President David Skorton Discusses Plans For School and Mayor Bloomberg Talks New Industries

The Cornell Daily Sun reports today:
Cornell plans to add between one and three international universities as partners to its recently approved New York City tech campus over the next five years, Provost Kent Fuchs said in an interview Friday.

Fuchs said the University hopes to attract at least one university from Europe and as many as two from Asia to bolster the international prestige of the new NYC “global institute,” which already includes the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
... Although Cornell had not discussed adding international partners during the heated competition for the campus or at a public forum held Friday, Fuchs said the University and the Technion had always planned on doing so. He cited not wanting to “be flooded with other applications” as a reason for delaying the public search for the new partners.

“If I remember correctly, in the agreement with the Technion we talk about creating a global innovation institute and inviting other members,” Fuchs said. “When anyone asks us about this, we certainly tell them.”

Fuchs added that, although the international universities are not likely to shoulder the financial obligations of constructing the new campus, they will “certainly bring resources indirectly.”...
Click here for the entire Cornell Daily Sun article.

The New York Observer's Beta Beat wonders about the additional international partners and asks:
Ah, we see. It’s just that no one bothered to ask the right questions. Makes you wonder, what else should we be asking Cornell . . .
Ithaca TV staion WBNG reports on Cornell's Roosevelt Island NYC school:

and Cornell President David Skorton discusses the Roosevelt Island project during a January 28, 2012 speech in front of Cornell alumni.

Mr. Skorton's entire speech is here.

Also, Mayor Bloomberg recently responded to a tweet asking about new industries that will come from the Cornell Technion Roosevelt Island campus.

You Tube Video of Mayor Bloomberg on Cornell

Interesting times coming to Roosevelt Island.