Roosevelt Island Young Adult Late Night Sportspark Recreation and Future Mentoring Program Discussed At February RIRA Meeting
During February 1 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) meeting, Public Safety Committee Chair Erin Feeley-Nahem discussed late night Friday and Saturday recreational program for young adults (16 -24) at Sportspark and proposal for establishing a future young adults mentoring program with the assistance of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC). If proposal is approved by RIOC, she hopes to get residents and local businesses involved in providing job skill lessons and internships as part of the mentoring program. Here's what Ms. Feeley-Nahem had to say at the February RIRA meeting.
Last Friday night I stopped by the the late night Sportspark weekend recreational program. At 10:30 PM there were about 20 -25 young adults shooting baskets and playing in a refereed game.