Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Election For Roosevelt Island Board of Director Nominees Continuing Until 9 PM Tonight - Please Vote and Urge Your Friends and Neighbors To Vote As Well

Image of Roosevelt Island Building Voting Stations at Good Shepherd From Trevre Andrews

Voting for Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Director Nominees started bright and early this morning at 6 AM

7 AM at Good Shepherd Voting Location Image From Trevre Andrews

and will continue through 9 PM tonight. If you have not voted yet, please do so and urge your friends and neighbors to do the same. This is what the election ballot looks like.

Image From Trevre Andrews

There are three expired seats on the RIOC Board held by Howard Polivy, Fay Christian and David Kraut. Mr. Polivy and Ms. Christian are seeking the support of the Roosevelt Island community to retain their seat through this election process. Mr. Kraut has chosen not to participate in today's election process or in the previous RIOC Board Nominee elections.

I am voting for Jonathan Kalkin, Howard Polivy and Fay Christian.

Former RIOC Director Jonathan Kalkin brings fresh, innovative ideas to Roosevelt Island such as his initiative for the Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder, technology initiatives including the RI 311 See Click Fix Reporting System and Next Bus GPS Red Bus Tracking system as well as a business background to effectively monitor and supervise the RIOC staff. These initiatives would not have happened without Mr. Kalkin's presence on the RIOC Board.

Howard Polivy's financial background is a strong asset to have on the RIOC Board as is his experience and ability to oversee the RIOC staff.

Fay Christian has shown an ability to challenge RIOC staff to justify the decisions they are taking which is an important function of a RIOC Director. My one hesitation in voting for Ms. Christian is that she is a resident of the Rivercross Building which is overly represented on the RIOC Board. Mr. Polivy is also a Rivercross resident and Mr. Kalkin a resident of Southtown.

Grace Bernstein, Dottie Jeffries, Lydia Tang and Gerald Lombardi are all fine RIOC Board Nominee candidates with excellent skill sets and should be thanked for their willingness to serve the Roosevelt Island community. However, in my opinion, Mr. Kalkin, Mr. Polivy and Ms. Christian have greater experience and understanding of the important issues facing Roosevelt Island now and in the future and should be on the RIOC Board.

Here's where you vote. OCTAGON residents vote from 6am-10am and 5pm-9pm in their building, 10am-5pm at the Good Shepherd Community Center (next to The Trellis diner), and SOUTHTOWN residents vote the same set of hours (6-10am/5-9pm) at #455 Main St. and then, at GS Community Center 10am-5pm. All NORTHTOWN residents will vote ALL day at the Good Shepherd Community Center.