Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Meeting Tonight 8 PM Good Shepherd Community Center - Come Learn More About Main Street Stores, Duane Reade Pharmacy Problems, New Library Funding & More - State Senator Jose Serrano Constituent Office Hours Today 4 - 7 PM

 Roosevelt Island Main Street Store Premises For Lease

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be meeting later today, 8 PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street). As always, prior to the start of each meeting there is a public session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern. Below is the Agenda:
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Time: 8:00 P.M. - Finish

Place: Chapel of the Good Shepherd, 543 Main Street

1. Public Session (8:00)

2. Roll Call (8:15)

X 3. Approval of Agenda (8:20)

X 4. Approval of Minutes– February 1, 2012 (8:25)

5. Treasurer’s Report (8:30)

6. President's Report (8:35)

7. Committees (8:50)

Planning/SCRC sub-committee

Public Safety

Social, Cultural and Educational Services


Government Relations/MTG sub-committee


Constitution Committee

Island Services

8. Old Business (9:50)

9. New Business (9:55)

10. Adjourn

X Agenda items requiring action

Next Meeting:April 4, 2012 (Mailing Deadline: March 30, 2012)
Below is the RIRA Island Services Committee (ISC) report to the March RIRA Meeting. Issues the ISC plan to address are the Main Street Stores, problems with the Duane Reade pharmacy, funding for future Roosevelt Island library and more.

The ISC met 3/1/12.

Our principal business was to organize and get functioning the new RIRA sponsored Advisory Committee – Main St. Retail Stores (AC-MSRS): o Initial membership totals 17 people representing Retail Stores and Commercial interests, Non-Profit organizations, RIRA officers and Common Council representatives, and RI residents.

o The AC-MSRS accepted the proposed Mission (see attachment). Mission might be changed somewhat after the AC is fully functioning.
o Fred Plastino will be the interim Chair. At the first meeting of the AC, a permanent chair will be elected.
o The AC-MSRS expects to meet on their own later in March, probably during the weeks of 3/19 or 3/26.

Meanwhile, we are awaiting a Hudson-Related announcement on the first stores (5 or 6) that will be granted leases.

Full-Services Pharmacy on RI

This is a new issue which ISC will pursue. In summary, RI no longer has a full-services pharmacy. Duane Reade will not accept prescriptions managed by Express Script drug plans. Soon this may be extended to Medco plans as Express Scripts is trying to acquire Medco. In addition, DR will no longer deliver. Gristedes will accept prescriptions from all plans and will deliver (but only to pre-registered customers). However, Gristedes maintains a limited variety of drugs in the store. So, many customers have to wait one or two days for the particular drug(s) to be delivered to the store.

We will initially attack this problem by dealing with Hudson-Related, the controllers of the leases for both Duane Reade and Gristedes.

New Public Library

Jessica Lappin has informed us that New York City will contribute $1 million toward the new Public Library at the 504 Main St. site. Also, RIOC has promised $750 thousand. Combined with the $300 thousand grant from Se. Serrano, we will have over $2 million for the project. Total cost of the project is expected to be $8-10 million. Most of the balance of funds needed will have to come from the New York Public Library.

Other Updates o Cornell wants an additional 2.6 acres of land at their site to extend their boundaries to include the sidewalks around the site. RIOC and Cornell are expected to begin negotiations on this proposal.

o Tram – Renovations of both stations are expected to begin later in March or in early April.
Roosevelt Island State Senator Jose Serrano's staff will also be holding their monthly constituent office hours today.

Senator Serrano's Roosevelt Island Constituent Hours! 
Serrano Roosevelt Island Constituent Hours*
Wednesday, March 7, 2012  
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
591 Main Street 
Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 
Meet with Senator Serrano's staff to discuss any concerns or suggestions you may have to improve your community.

*Constituent Services are also available Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, in Senator Serrano's District Office at 157 East 104th Street.
If you have any questions to ask Senator Serrano's staff or are in need of any assistance that may require the help of your elected representative stop on by RIOC HQ. Also, bring photocopies of any paperwork related to your situation so that the Serrano staff can effectively and efficiently address the issue.