Roosevelt Island Town Hall Meeting On Gristedes Supermarket With Hudson Related's David Kramer and Gristedes Owner John Catsimatidis Scheduled For March 12 - First Tangible Benefit Of Main Street Retail Master Lease Agreement

Here's the first tangible benefit of the Roosevelt Island Master Retail Leasehold Agreement with Hudson Related Companies. I spoke with Hudson Related principal David Kramer today who reports that a town Hall Meeting with Gristedes owner John Catsimatidis will take place on Monday March 12, 7 PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center.
This will be an opportunity for Roosevelt Island residents to tell the Gristedes owner what we would like to see happen with our local supermarket. So, come and ask questions, make comments and listen to what Mr. Catsimatidis has to say. Consider this Town Hall Meeting your chance to participate in a Roosevelt Island Gristedes Supermarket Customer Focus Group.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
Hudson/Related and Gristedes invite the community to a public meeting to get input and feedback in anticipation of Gristedes’ planned renovation and redesign of the Roosevelt Island supermarket.Here's what Roosevelt Island residents had to say about the Gristedes Supermarket at October 20, 2011 Main Street Retail Town Hall Meeting.
Monday, March 12 at 7 PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center.
As to the remaining Main Street Retail Stores, Mr. Kramer said that he does not wish to make any announcements until leases are signed which has not yet occured.