Arrest Made In Series Of Roosevelt Island Burglaries At Roosevelt Landings Reports NYPD 114th Precinct Commander Maloney At RIRA Public Safety Committee Meeting Last Night - Investigation Is Continuing He Says
... A series of burglaries have occurred at the Roosevelt Landings over the past several weeks. There are no indications that forced entry was used to enter these apartments.During last night's Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) Meet and Greet Question and Answer Session With Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus, the NYPD's 114 Precinct Commander Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney discussed
Instead, entry appears to have been made by compromising apartment doors that were not double-locked. In several of these incidents, residents were at home while the Burglary occurred.
The suspect(s) have removed property that can be easily carried such as Laptops, Pocketbooks and Purses...
NYPD 114 Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney (Standing) and Roosevelt Island PSD Jack McManus (Sitting)
the recent series of burglaries at Roosevelt Landing, reported that an arrest was made and that the investigation was continuing.
Deputy Inspector Maloney was introduced by RIRA PSC Chairperson Erin Feely-Nahem. Deputy Inspector Maloney told the audience that the Roosevelt Landings burglaries were in the double digits since last November. He also said that a NYPD Crime Prevention Officer is available to visit your home to identify and make recommendations to improve the security in your apartment free of charge. If you are interested in the NYPD Crime Prevention Survey, contact 114 Precinct Officer John Glynn (718) 626-9324 or 9327.
Here's what Deputy Inspector Maloney had to say about the Roosevelt Landings burglaries.
Will have video of the full meeting available soon.
UPDATE 4/15 - More here on NYPD Vertical Patrols at Roosevelt Landings.
Here is the full video of Deputy Inspector Maloney's discussion with the Roosevelt Island community.