Update On Roosevelt Island Burglaries At Urban American's Roosevelt Landings - NYPD Does Vertical Patrols, Apartment Security Surveys And Distributes Burglary Prevention Flyers
An update on the recent series of burglaries at Roosevelt Landings and response by NYPD. Yesterday, a reader asked:
... around 12pm I saw a lot of NYPD going into 540. Three were 3 cop cars parked on Main Street and one police van parks in the alley btw 540 & the Hardware store.
I asked NYPD 114 Precinct Commander Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney about the NYPD presence at Roosevelt Landings yesterday.
Deputy Inspector Maloney responded yestererday:
The officers on the island today were part of the crime prevention initiative we spoke about. They conducted verticals, distributed several hundred flyers regarding burglary awareness and prevention as well as 17 security surveys within the roosevelt landing complex.As previously reported:
There were no arrests on the island today.
... a NYPD Crime Prevention Officer is available to visit your home to identify and make recommendations to improve the security in your apartment free of charge. If you are interested in the NYPD Crime Prevention Survey, contact 114 Precinct Officer John Glynn (718) 626-9324 or 9327....and more information on the Roosevelt Landings burglary from Deputy Inspector Maloney.
I asked a representative from Roosevelt Landings owner Urban American about the recent burglaries:
... Any statement from Urban American on this issue?An Urban American spokesperson replied:
Does Urban American have any plans on having a doorman/concierge at Roosevelt Landings. Some residents think that will help the security situation.
We are constantly reviewing security procedures and meeting with the police department and Public Safety to ensure the security of our residents. We are aware of the arrest and continue to provide assistance to police in their on-going investigation.