Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Roosevelt Island Street Lights Out By Blackwell House Pathway - RIOC Installs Temporary Lighting But It Shines Into Neighboring Apartment

A Roosevelt Island resident recently asked:

I'm wondering if this is something you may be able to answer?

Are the lights behind the Blackwell House ever going to be fixed? That area is really dark at night and the lights are never turned on for the pathways, new kids playground, or the fountain plaza.
I suggested contacting RI 311 See Click Fix, which was done:
Lights out in multiple areas. Around and in front of Church, next to Blackwell House, behind Rivercross lawn and towards Subway.
RIOC installed temporary lighting behind Blackwell House

But at night the temporary light

shines into at least one neighboring apartment. The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse reports:
which drew this response from a solar power advocate.