Friday, February 13, 2015

Update On Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station Elevator Replacement Project, At Least Another Year Before Completion Says RIOC - Elevators Out Of Service Today

The Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station elevators are out of service today. Again.

According to advisory this morning from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
Notification issued 2/13/2015 at 9:35 AM. The Manhattan Tram Station elevator and passenger lift are temporarily out of service. An advisory will be issued when service is restored.
RIOC provided this update on the current status of Tram Station elevators replacement:
Manhattan Tram Station Elevators

Last year, it became clear to many that the elevators at the Manhattan Tram Station were becoming unreliable. As the elevators themselves are due for an overhaul, the most efficient way to deal with the issues is through a replacement of the current system. After rating and ranking responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to design two new, larger ADA-accessible elevators, RIOC has selected a contractor. The new elevators will replace the current smaller elevator as well as the red accessible lift, improving the station’s accessibility. A kickoff meeting will soon be held, where the elevator’s designers will present their proposals. The design is scheduled to be completed within 90 days. Once the design is complete, RIOC will seek a qualified contractor to build the elevators to specifications. We will continue to make any repairs necessary to the current system while the new system’s design and build period continues. The work will be conducted on a schedule that causes the least amount of disruption possible to travelers and commuters.
RIOC Director of Engineering Jim Mortimer updated the RIOC Board Of Directors  February 9 Operations Advisory Committee (by phone) on the current status of the Tram elevator replacement project. (Audio web cast of full meeting here)

In response to a question from Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee Chair Aaron Hamburger about the estimated completion date for the Tram Station elevators replacement, Mr. Mortimer said:
... about a year to be finished...
RIOC President Charlene Indelicato reported that a larger space footprint at the Manhattan Tram Plaza is necessary for the new elevators which requires approvals from various NYC agencies adding that the Tram Elevator completion date should take:
... a year with everything going smoothly with all the agencies...
Here's the RIOC Operations Advisory Committee discussion of the Manhattan Tram Station Elevator replacement project.

More on the Tram Station Elevator problems at previous post.

UPDATE 5 PM - According to RIOC:
Notification issued 2/13/2015 at 4:30 PM. Due to an elevator service outage at the Manhattan Tram Station, the RIOC Red Bus will provide special shuttle service to and from Manhattan for those with limited mobility beginning at 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM today.

From Manhattan to Roosevelt Island: The shuttle will depart from the southwest corner of 58th Street and 2nd Avenue every thirty minutes beginning at 4:00 PM*. The last shuttle will depart at 8:30 PM tonight.

From Roosevelt Island to Manhattan: The shuttle will depart from the Roosevelt Island Tram Station every thirty minutes. The last shuttle will depart at 8:00 PM tonight.

Signs will be posted at shuttle bus stop locations and Tram employees will direct passengers to the shuttle bus stops if necessary.

This shuttle service will not be provided over the weekend or on the February 16th Presidents’ Day holiday. If necessary, this daily shuttle service will be provided beginning Tuesday February 17th between 7 AM and 8:30 PM or until elevator or lift service is restored at the Manhattan Tram Station. Customers are advised to plan their travel accordingly and utilize alternative means of transportation. Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue. Further advisories will be issued to notify the public of any changes or developments.

*While RIOC generally provides this service in case of a 24 hour or longer outage of both the elevator and the red lift, this service is being provided today at an earlier time due to freezing temperatures.
Image Of Manhattan Red Bus Shuttle Today

UPDATE 6:30 PM- Susana Gardete Hartmann shares her experience this morning commuting with a child stroller by Roosevelt Island Tram in this email she sent to RIOC:
I work at Weill Cornell Medical College and have two children of 2 and 4 years of age. My boys are attending the Child and Family center of The Rockefeller University (located at 63rd street and York avenue).

I commute everyday from RI to Upper East side (using the tram) with my two kids sitting on a double stroller. This morning our commute was a nightmare after noticing that the two elevators were broken. Luckily and by chance my husband decided to go with me this morning even without knowing about this problem (usually he starts working very early).

We both had to carry the double stroller down using the stairs. If I had been alone I would not have known what to do with my kids. Also, I was informed that the elevator in 63rd and Lexington avenue is still closed and so we can not use the F train to go home.

How are families with small children and without owning a car supposed to leave and come back to the island? As you can imagine this is a very stressing situation for me, for all other parents with small children and disabled people who have to commute everyday.

Taking into account this situation, I would appreciate if you could find a fast way to solve this problem that affects all RI residents.
UPDATE 2/15, 4:20 PM - According to RIOC:
Notification issued 02/17/2015 at 15:00PM. The Tram Elevator and the Red Lift at the Manhattan Tram Terminal remain out of service. It is anticipated that repairs will not be completed before Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Shuttle Bus Service will commence on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Please remain alert for a follow-up advisory which will contain the Shuttle Bus Schedule.
UPDATE 2/16, 2:40 PM - A parent made her way to the Manhattan Tram Station platform yesterday afternoon.

According to RIOC:
Notification issued 2/16/2015 at 2:00 PM. Due to an elevator service outage at the Manhattan Tram Station, the RIOC Red Bus will provide special shuttle service to and from Manhattan for those with limited mobility.

From Roosevelt Island to Manhattan: The shuttle will depart from the Roosevelt Island Tram Station at 7:00 AM on February 17, 2015 every thirty minutes. The last shuttle will depart at 8:00 PM

From Manhattan to Roosevelt Island: The shuttle will depart from the southwest corner of 58th Street and 2nd Avenue every thirty minutes beginning at 7:30 AM ON February 17, 2015 The last shuttle will depart at 8:30 PM.

Signs will be posted at shuttle bus stop locations and Tram employees will direct passengers to the shuttle bus stops if necessary.