Bring Your Food Scraps To New Roosevelt Island Organic Recycling Compost Program At Farmers Market Every Saturday Starting November 28
After finishing off your Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and leftovers on Friday, take any food scraps left over to the new Roosevelt Island Organic Recycling center at the Farmers Market on Saturday.
Roosevelt Island Garden Club Secretary Julia Ferguson reports:
Exciting environmental breakthrough - our island has been chosen as a food scraps drop site! Every Saturday residents can drop their food scraps, preventing large quantities of waste from going to landfill!More information on the Roosevelt Island Composting Program from this previous post.
This Saturday, November 28th, Roosevelt Island will welcome NYC Compost hosted by BIG Reuse at the Farmer's Market. Save your holiday fruit and vegetable scraps. Bring them to the Farmer's Market to join this city wide compost opportunity.
For more information please check here on the RIGC blog.