Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Con Ed Re-Starting Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas Line Infrastructure Work Friday November 27 - Beginning Near Firehouse And Working South On Main Street

Image From Con Ed

As reported last August 27, Con Ed temporarily suspended work on installation of the new Roosevelt Island high pressure gas line:
... Con Edison has temporarily suspended the work that crews had started earlier this month on Main Street, Roosevelt Island. After the initial excavation revealed some unanticipated conditions, Con Edison will revise its work plan and schedule....
...Work will be suspended thereafter until the revised work plan and new schedule are developed....
Apparently, Con Ed has developed a new schedule starting the day after Thanksgiving. According to Con Ed:
Work Notice Update

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Con Edison will begin preliminary work on the gas infrastructure on Main Street starting as early as Friday, November 27, 2015. Crews will be working from 8am to 4pm, weekdays, through late January 2016. The work will start at the north end of Main St., near the FDNY facility, and will continue south, in sections, along Main St. We will continue to provide updates as this work progresses.

This schedule is subject to change. There will be no service disruptions to customers associated with this work. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, contact Manhattan Public Affairs at

Map of Work Area:

More on the Con Ed Roosevelt Island high pressure gas line installation from previous posts.