Frightening View Of Roosevelt Island From Amazon TV's Man In The High Castle Alternative History Of World War 2
Amazon's new TV show Man in the High Castle imagines what would have happened had the Nazi's and Japan defeated the United States and our allies in World War 2. Untapped Cities shows some film locations of the Man In The High Castle alternative history of the United States including Roosevelt Island. According to Untapped Cities:
The SS Headquarters is located on Manhattan’s East Side along the East River, south of the Queensboro Bridge. In the shot, you can still see Goldwater Hospital on Roosevelt Island, now demolished and to be replaced by the Cornell tech campus. In this aerial shot, the SS Headquarters building blocks the southern tip of Roosevelt Island, where the abandoned smallpox hospital stands.
Amazon show #ManintheHighCastle transforms #NYC and #SF into Axis territory
— Untapped Cities (@untappedcities) November 24, 2015
Here's the trailer from Amazon's Man in the High Castle.