Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Help Roosevelt Island New York Public Library Branch Win $20 Thousand - Nominate Our Local Library For NYC Neighborhood Library Awards And Say Why Roosevelt Island Branch Should Win $20 Thousand

You can help our local Roosevelt Island New York Public Library branch win $20 Thousand.

Here's how. According to the NYC Neighborhood Library Awards:
In November 2015, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and Charles H. Revson Foundation, in association with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show, are launching the third annual NYC Neighborhood Library Awards.

The NYC Neighborhood Library Awards recognize and reward public libraries for being the unsung heroes of New York – places where all are welcome, the programs and resources are free, and the librarians are making it all happen on a shoestring budget.

Since the City's neighborhoods are very diverse and each library is unique, we are asking you: Tell us why your library should win a NYC Neighborhood Library Award! New Yorkers can nominate their library for exceptional service to the community, online or in paper at local branches. Nomination forms are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Haitian Creole and will be accepted through December 18, 2015.

Based on patrons’ nominations, data on circulation and program attendance, visits to see the branches in action, and the recommendations of a philanthropic review committee, the pool will be narrowed down to ten finalists. From there, a group of eminent judges will pick five winning branches for the $20,000 prize. The remaining finalists will receive $10,000 each.

Last year, more than 13,000 New Yorkers wrote in, and the five winners have already put their winnings to good use. The Langston Hughes Community Library in Queens has added to the collections and lectures available at their Black Heritage Reference Center. New Lots Library in Brooklyn purchased new technology and launched an entrepreneurial series for teens. Stapleton Library in Staten Island is planning arts programs for adults and tech classes for students. In the Bronx, the Parkchester Library is adding furniture and materials to their "Spot for Tots," and the Mott Haven Library is remodeling their Children's Reading Room with an interactive wall display.
More information on the NYC Neighborhood Library Awards available at their web site and from the Brian Lehrer WNYC radio program.

So, please tell the NYC Neighborhood Library Awards why the Roosevelt Island NYPL branch should receive $20 thousand.