Employment Opportunities For Women In Construction Industry Among Topics To Be Discussed At January 25 Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Community & Construction Task Force Meeting - You're Invited
The Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Community and Construction Task Force (Task Force) invite you to their January 25 meeting. According to the Task Force:
Hello All and Happy New Year:Watch video below for more about NEW.
Just a reminder that the first quarterly meeting of 2016 for the Cornell Tech Community and Construction Task Force will be held on Monday, January 25th from 6 to 8 PM in the 12th floor conference room at 546 Main Street.
As we discussed at our October meeting, in addition to our construction and community updates, we will have a presentation from Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW). NEW prepares women for nontraditional careers in the construction, utilities, and transportation industries. It will be great to learn about their programs and to introduce them to Roosevelt Island.
NEW’s seven-week training course prepares women for nontraditional careers, with hands-on instruction in carpentry, basic electricity, painting, blueprint reading, and building performance; health and safety training; and trades math. Graduates earn salaries from $10--17 per hour and, after apprenticeship, wages may increase to as much as $45 per hour.
We hope you are able to join us in welcoming them to the island and learning about all the great programming NEW has to offer!
For more information on Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) please visit their website.
2015 NEW Video from Nulight Creative on Vimeo.
Latest Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech construction update
at this previous post.