Saturday, January 23, 2016

Scenes From Today's NYC Blizzard From Roosevelt Island - Sledding, Skiing, Jogging, Shoveling & More

Some Roosevelt Island scenes from today's blizzard. (Earlier posts here and here)

Sledding at Southtownt Hill.

Cross country skiing.

Bike riding.


A walk by Blackwell House.

Images By Susheel

Making Snow Angels.
A video posted by Adam Harraway (@adamharraway) on

Tram Service until shut down at 4 PM.
Bringing groceries home.

Snow removal.

 Image From Susheel

The swirling wind.
 View of Queensboro Bridge.
It will end.
Don't think anybody had a better time in the snow than Tian Tian  Panda in Washington DC.
Enjoy the snow tomorrow.

UPDATE 1/24 - From the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
As of 6 AM this morning, Sun., Jan. 24th, regular tram service has been restored.

At this time, Red Bus service has resumed. The F train and MTA bus services are operating with delays.