Roosevelt Island Red Bus Absent Early Morning From 10 River Road Manhattan Park Stop Says Resident - Not So Says RIOC
Received the following message from a Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park resident this morning:
The morning Red Bus has been pretty much absent from 5:45am to 6:45 at the 10 River Road stop. This used to be a once in a while occurrence and now it has become the norm. During the fall, spring and summer, most of us just walk to the train/tram, but in cold days like today we rely on the bus. The elderly don't have that option. They all rely on the Red Bus being on time. This morning there was no 6:15, 6:30 or 6:45, the MTA bus did show up at 6:50. This happened 2x last week.I forwarded the message about Manhattan Park 10 River Road Red Bus stop
If they’re aware of the problem they should inform the residents.
inquiry to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC).
RIOC replied:
Regarding the complaint sent to you about no buses this morning at 10 River Road S/B on 6:15AM, 6:30AM and 6:45AM, I have attached two screen-shots indicating buses at 10 River Road at 6:18AM
and 6:47AM.
We were missing one in between due to a bus operator shortage.
RIOC Surface Transit operation begins at 5:45AM every day.