Roosevelt Island's Landmarked Church Of The Good Shepherd Community Center Chapel Getting A New Floor
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) is replacing the floor of the landmarked Good Shepherd Community Center Chapel.
Last Friday, contractors
were working on the
floor replacement.
RIOC completed an $800 Thousand Good Shepherd Roof Restoration in 2013.
More background on the landmarked Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Community Center from the Roosevelt Island Historical Society and NYC Landmarks Conservancy.
UPDATE 5:50 PM - Roosevelt Island St Cabrini Catholic parishioner Frank Farance comments below that religious groups who use the Good Shepherd Chapel were upset they were not notified of the Good Shepherd Chapel floor replacement. Mr. Farance says that Church objects were damaged and worship services disrupted due to the floor replacement.
I asked RIOC President Charlene Indelicato to comment on the matter. Ms. Indelicato replied:
All three parishes were notified last week that Good Shepherd would not be usable this weekend. Each one had alternate arrangements through myself and their parish managers. Public safety was also notified and instructed to allow access to set up/move what was necessary for mass at times that weren't listed on the booking report.