Tuesday, January 17, 2017

When Will Roosevelt Island New Nisi Diner, Formerly Trellis, Reopen After Being Closed More Than 2 Years For Renovations? Lease Has Not Been Sold To New Owners Say Hudson Companies

When will Roosevelt Island's new Nisi Diner,

formerly the Trellis, reopen after more than 2 years of being closed for renovations? Back in August and October of 2016, reported that Nisi

was ready to open pending inspections by the Fire Department.

Reader Cheshire Kitty asked recently:
Any updates on Trellis status? As we enter 2017, it's at least two years - maybe more - since the restaurant closed for renovations. The build-out is now complete - even the tables and chairs are in place. If there is a problem with obtaining needed City permits, red tape can't be untangled - maybe Council Member Kallos could help Kai negotiate the permit process/City bureaucracy? Just a thought..
On January 12, I asked Main Street Master Leaseholder Hudson Related's David Kramer:
... Is Trellis/Nisi ever going to open?

The number 1 question I get is what's going on with Trellis and will it ever open again.

Constant rumors that the lease was sold to a new operator.
A Hudson Companies spokesperson replied:
We anticipate that Nisi will open later this winter. There is no truth to the lease sale rumor.
I've also asked Nisi owners when they will open but have not heard back. Residents have told me that they were told Nisi plans to open at the end of January but that has not been confirmed.