95 Year Old Roosevelt Island Resident And Pioneering NYPD Detective Mary Fitzgerald Honored As 2018 Women Of Distinction Wednesday June 27 At Senior Center By NY State Senator Jose Serrano
Roosevelt Island NY State Senator Jose Serrano will honor Roosevelt Island resident Mary Fitzgerald as a 2018 Woman Of Distinction. According to Senator Serrano's office:
On Wednesday, June 27th (tomorrow) Senator José M. Serrano (D-Manhattan/Bronx) will be recognizing pioneer NYPD Detective Mary Eileen Fitzgerald as the 2018 Woman of Distinction for the 29th Senate District.Last January, Ms Fitzgerald celebrated her 95th birthday.
A Bronx native, Ms. Fitzgerald had an illustrious career in the NYPD spanning several decades from 1952-1983. During her time in the NYPD, Fitzgerald protected several of the 20th century’s most iconic women— from Israel’s Prime Minister Golda Meir and Queen Sophia of Spain to First Ladies Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson and Nancy Reagan. She spent 31 years serving the residents of New York City in the NYPD before retiring in 1983 at the age of sixty.
"Women like Mary paved the way for the more than 6,000 female NYPD officers active today," said Senator Serrano. "Her incredible story, spanning three decades of serving the people of our city, is an important part of New York history and I am proud to honor her as this year's Woman of Distinction.”
The Woman of Distinction award highlights outstanding women living and working in New York State whose contributions have greatly enriched the quality of life in their communities and beyond.
Join us in wishing NYPD pioneer Mary Fitzgerald a happy 95th birthday.— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) January 17, 2018
“In the era of stay-at-home TV moms like June Cleaver, Fitzgerald broke down barriers on the pickpocket squad and then the Intelligence Division.”
Read more via @LauraDimon https://t.co/CwSOReYlYt pic.twitter.com/ru4szAw3JR
Congrats, Ms Fitzgerald!
More on former NYPD Detective and Roosevelt Island resident Mary Fitzgerald at this prior post.