Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Roosevelt Island Garden Club Hosts Mid Week Gardening Classes For Kids & Teens - 4-6 Spots Open For Each Class, Sign Up Now

The Roosevelt Island Garden Club (RIGC) reports:

Mid-week Gardening Experiences for Kids &Teens at RIGC

Do what? Join RIGC for gardening experiences for youth this summer. Pre-4th grade and up. Four-six spots open at each class.

How? Send an email to rigardencluboutreach@gmail.com. Send back the liability waiver/permission slip and get return confirmation before attending.

When? 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays

June 26th, June 28th, July 3rd, July 5th,

July 10th, July 12, July 17th, July 19th

Flexible schedule: Sign up to for one class or for all.

Who? Activities with Julia Ferguson, RIGC member.

Where? Meet at the back gate of RIGC right off the Pony Field.
More info on the Roosevelt Island Garden Club available at their web site.

Happy Gardening.