Thursday, July 5, 2018

Great View Of The July 4 Fireworks Celebration From Roosevelt Island - Over 8 Thousand Residents And Visitors Watched From Cornell Tech Campus, FDR 4 Freedoms & Southpoint Park

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) official count, 8,654 residents

and visitors attended the Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks Celebration
at FDR 4 Freedoms Park,
Cornell Tech Campus and Southpoint Park last evening.

Here's the start of the Fireworks Celebration seen from East Side of FDR Park

and the finale.

Click on full screen icons on bottom right of video for great view.

Stay tuned for more.

UPDATE 5:50 PM - The view of the fireworks

from Cornell Tech campus 

was very good as well.

UPDATE 7/10 - Roosevelt Island resident Joanne Eichel shares this message she sent to RIOC Public Information Officer Alonza Roberston:
I wanted to let you know I thought the organization for the July 4th fireworks and the related activities was excellent.

The detailed maps in particular were very helpful, taking the guesswork out of the options for viewing the fireworks and pathways to get there.

Having the Cornell campus open to us was really lovely as another peaceful setting for relaxing and enjoying the refreshments.

Please feel free to share this with those responsible for making the July 4th celebration well organized and fun for the RI community.