Monday, October 29, 2018

Meet Lynn Strong-Shinozaki, Candidate For President Of Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council - Meet RIRA Building Candidates Thursday November 1 At Westview Building (625 Main Street)

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council is hosting a Meet Your Building Candidates 7:30 PM Thursday, November 1 at Westview, 625 Main Street. The location has been changed from Good Shepherd to Westview).

You're invited to attend.

 Meet Lynn Strong-Shinozaki, a candidate for RIRA President.
My name is Lynne Strong-Shinozaki

and I am running for President of the Roosevelt Island Residents’ Association and I need your vote on Nov. 6th.
  • I have served on RIRA for over 25 years. I am currently the Vice President.
  • I have chaired the Social, Cultural & Education Committee.
  • I have worked with amazing people to protect our quality of life…”Saving the Cat Sanctuary”, “Saving the Tram”.
  • Most of all I battle “Predatory Equity”…getting housing developers to treat our residents fairly.
  • I have worked with amazing people and initiated some of our community activities…Cherry Blossom Festival, Skate RI, RIRA Showcase, Egg Hunt, Hands Only CPR, BENHUGS and Pay It Forward, a community based program to aid economically challenges individuals and families.
  • Street Advisor has ranked Roosevelt Island the 2nd best neighborhood in Manhattan. We will strive to be #1.
  • Roosevelt Island is becoming the best neighborhood in New York City and I am going to make damn sure it happens.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 6th is Election Day. We need your vote to make changes in our government and I need your vote to make changes to protect Roosevelt Island.
  • Roosevelt Island is under enormous development. Our community is expanding; development is bringing lots of people to the Island. I will work hard, as I have always done, to make sure that the safety and welfare of our residents are always protected.
  • I need your help to keep what we have and to protect us when it comes to even greater increasing development.
  • You, the residents of Roosevelt Island, are the key element to our success. We need to make sure that our voices are heard. I have and will always continue to work and protect the welfare of our residents.
  • Together we will make Roosevelt Island the #1 best neighborhood in Manhattan.
  • Many people are responsible for our success. I want to continue to expand and protect the incredible potentials of Roosevelt Island.
Please vote for me for President of the Roosevelt Island Residents’ Association on Nov. 6.

Thank you.
Ms Strong-Shinozaki is running unopposed as RIRA President. Current RIRA President Jeff Escobar is not running for re-election.

There are two candidates for RIRA Vice President - Frank Farance and David Lawson.

The RIRA Common Council has 44 Building Common Council Members:
Southtown: 11
Westview: 3
RiverCross: 3
2 River Road: 1
546 Main Street: 2
4 River Road: 1
Roosevelt Landings: 7
Manhattan Park: 8
Island House: 3
Octagon: 5
Below are RIRA Building candidates. Will post statements submitted by Building candidates.

Building Representatives by District:

Sally Ashe

Justin Ellis

Dave Evans

Janet Falk

Michael J Rindler

Jennifer Weinstein

Sharon Williams

Roosevelt Landings

Cynthia Ahn

Nancy Brown

Shirley A. Coley

Phinda Dlamini

Linda Maynard-Hall


Laura Hussey

Kaja Meade

Island House

Rossana Ceruzzi

Adib Mansour A. F.

Lydia Tang

Frank Farance


Bafode Drame

Erin Feely-Nahem

Vadim Malinsky

Manhattan Park

Paula Beltrone

Chris Gassman

Eneaqua Lewis

Shuang Yu


Robert Leung

Cristrobal A Oltra

F. Scott Piro

James Rosenthal

David Turley