Monday, October 29, 2018

RIOC Begins Roosevelt Island Main Street Repairs Tomorrow - Milling, Paving, Rolling And Striping

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Information Officer Alonza Robertson reports:
Several critical areas of Roosevelt Island’s asphalt roads in need of repairs to cracks, potholes and collapsed drains are being addressed by a road contractor that has started milling work and will continue with paving, rolling and striping tomorrow through Thursday, November 1.

The identified areas include West Road, by the MTA Subway Station; Main Street, by the Community Garden and The Octagon entrance; and the NYC Health + Hospitals/Coler loop. Four crosswalks, located on Main Street by the shops and Chapel of the Good Shepherd are to be restriped this week as well. The work is being performed by Rosemar Construction Company, of Long Island, N.Y, which specializes in a range of commercial, municipal/industrial and residential road work services.