Friday, October 5, 2007

The Encampment Opens Tonight

Via Curbed, The New York Post on The Encampment.

The largest public art project to hit the city since "The Gates" in Central Park will be on display beginning tonight when a field at the southern tip of Roosevelt Island is filled with 100 illuminated canvas tents called "The Encampment."
The Encampment will:
shed light on the island's murky and painful history as home to psychiatric and smallpox wards.
will tell a history of the hundreds and thousands of people . . . who have gone through social, mental, medical and penal confinement on this island," he said. "It's going to be a lot of fun."
The fun begins tonight.
The image is from one of the Encampment installations from by Alison Nastasi. Very cool.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how bsy it is going to be. I am planning to drop by either tonight or tomorrow night. It's something I don't want to miss.