RIOC Board Nominee Statements
Statements by candidates for election as potential nominees to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp's Board of Directors are now available for viewing via The Main Street WIRE.
The vote is scheduled for February 5, the same day as the NY State Presidential Primary. Hopefully, with such a hotly contested New York State primary, there will be a large turnout for both the Presidential and RIOC election. Roosevelt Island residents can vote for any number of RIOC Board nominee candidates up to six.
There will also be a second opportunity to meet and listen to the RIOC Board Candidate's on Saturday February 2, 1PM at the Good Shepherd Church Community Center.
My view on the candidates to date.
Roosevelt Island 360 has more on the election here.
Press HD has interviews with some of the candidates here. All were invited, three agreed.
Main Street WIRE election page.
For those who have never attended a RIOC Board meeting (unfortunately this includes many of the candidates) here is a link to a RIOC webcast of the most recent meeting last December 20, 2007.
Have you ever attended a RIOC Board meeting? from
To be fair to those candidates who have never been to a Board meeting, most RIOC Board meetings are held during regular workday hours at 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM though some start at 6PM as well.