Thursday, February 7, 2008

Vampire Weekend at Southpoint Park Roosevelt Island With and Without Blocked Views from Louis Kahn/FDR Memorial

Vampire Weekend is profiled in 1/29 New York Magazine.
Vampire Weekend's just-released debut album is enjoyable enough. Actually, it's all we've been listening to since it leaked last week. Still, if ever there were a band guaranteed a backlash, it's these guys: They're white, bookish, Columbia-educated nerds pillaging African music (or at least Paul Simon's Graceland) for their hooks (which we freely admit are very catchy). Typically, when the songs are so good, we're able to overlook such transgressions — but their Night Out With in this week's "Sunday Styles" made even this geeky Vulture editor want to steal their lunch money and give them all swirlies
When they hit it big will they remember their outdoor gig at Southpoint Park on Roosevelt Island in June 2007? Such concerts, as well as other passive and active recreational activities that benefit from the sweeping, panoramic views of the NYC skyline and waterfront will only be a memory to those few who have experienced it to date if the Louis Kahn designed FDR mausoleum is funded and approved.

Roosevelt Island 360 shows this version of the views from Southpoint Park as it currently exists

and his take with the Kahn/FDR Memorial V shaped Linden trees.

Quite a difference don't you think?