Monday, March 17, 2008

Changes at Roosevelt Islander and Some Readership Statistics

Cartoon Image from coxandforkum

Regular readers may have noticed some changes to the look of the Roosevelt Islander blog. I hope these changes make it a little bit easier to read, navigate and search through the blog. This is still a work in progress so please bare with me here as I try to upgrade Roosevelt Islander with more services, information and features over the coming months.

I find it amazing that what started out eight months ago with an all CAPITAL letter post of one Roosevelt Island resident's complaint concerning the RIOC policy of charging $18 to view the July 4 fireworks celebration at Southpoint Park has grown from a once in a while post to over 435 posts. Also, what I thought would be of interest to maybe a few family and friends has climbed to almost 35,000 unique Roosevelt Islander visitors, an average of approximately 185 daily, since statistics started to be kept in mid September.

Image is of Roosevelt Islander Monthly Visitor Statistics from September 2007-February 2008 via Statcounter.

Thanks to all the readers, those who comment and lend their expertise on particular subjects as well as those who send in their tips, suggestions and messages. Please continue to do so.