Leaving Roosevelt Island By Subway And Tram After Fireworks Celebration - Quite A Mess But Uneventful!

I have never seen so many people at the Roosevelt Island subway station and Tramway as I did last Friday night with people trying to leave the Island after the July 4 Fireworks show. Readers of this post, begona and mike, send in the following comments:
I'm not sure if the crowd last night was bigger than anticipated, because nothing we had seen prior to the event gave any indication as to the mob scene that it would be attempting to leaveThere will be more on the Fourth of July festivities from Roosevelt Island tomorrow.
UPDATE - 5PM: Reader Craig offers this observation on subway crush and possible solution to future Roosevelt Island extravaganzas based upon Coney Island experience:
when we went to the mermaid parade, the police simply opened the service gates and let people through for free and avoided a crush like that...I've seen similar practices after Yankee games or concerts as well. Good idea depending upon circumstances on the ground at the time.