Friday, July 11, 2008

Subway Interuptions Return - No F Train Service to Roosevelt Island From Manhattan This Weekend

Image from MTA

We knew that the recent streak of normal Roosevelt Island weekend train service could not last and it hasn't (May 16 - 18 was the last weekend of Roosevelt Island weekend subway disruptions). The MTA is reporting that there will be no F train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island this weekend but there will be F train service to Manhattan. The Tram will be operating on a normal schedule.

Readers of this post, Begona and Mike, suggest the following to improve Roosevelt Island transportation - Roosevelt Island bus service to Queens.
Here's an idea we thought of: how about RIOC or the MTA offering shuttle buses in Queens to and from the 21st Street F Train Station and the Roosevelt Island bridge for those willing to walk a little bit and avoid the subway crowd?
I think the NYC Q102 bus that circles Roosevelt Island does stop at at the 21 street F train station on its route but greater frequency of service sure could help. The Q103 stops on Vernon B'lvd at the foot of the Roosevelt Island Bridge and travels down Vernon to the #7 train at Vernon and Jackson Ave. More frequent service on this line might be of great use to Roosevelt Island as well.

And concerning crossing the East River from Roosevelt Island, reader victor was right asks:
... has anyone done a feasability study on a giant catapult?
Long time readers know that there have been several alternative systems considered for getting across the East River when the subway or tram is not working including being slingshot on the Roosevelt Island Shuttle:

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Shuttle