Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Appropriate Response or Overreaction To Hammer Holding Roosevelt Island Resident By Public Safety Department Officers - Another Resident Says Thanks

Women With A Hammer Image by Charles Thomson from Heyoka Magazine

A reader of this post sends in the following message regarding her interaction with the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department yesterday morning.
I 100% agree with you! This morning, I went next door to check where a very loud noise had come from. I had a hammer in my hand as I had started fixing a gate that came lose, barrier from the living-room to the stair area as I have a 14 month old child. I am a 5'4 aprox. 100lbs female btw. As I knocked in the neighbor's home and he opened the door I saw the usual repair person and asked him what the loud noise was. I was frustrated as it was 8 am and my whole apartment was shaking from the driling including my son's bed. The repair guy called public safety as he supposedly felt threatened by my hammer (I did not even realize I have it in my hand) and while I turned away, got back to my apartment and was about to close the door 4 officers forced their way in while other random people walked in to enjoy spectatorship, taking over the staircase and interrogating me while accusing me of threatening the worker with the hammer. They attitude was extremely abusive and yelled at me to give them an id. I refused and said I did not wish to cooperate as I was being accused for I did not do. I have never in my life went through such shocking and abusive experience as I have never created any problems around me. The Public Safety Officers treated me as if I was a criminal. All I wanted was a quiet morning and instead I had 4 officers in my apartment threatening to handcuff me and drag me to the police station. All this in front of my 14 month old son. Absolutely outrageous. I am taking further action, will file complaint and have them apologize to me publicly.
Meanwhile, the whole hallway smells like marijuana at all time and nothing is being done about it.
Asked to comment on this incident, Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra replies:
I was made aware of this situation as soon as I arrived for work this morning, as it is the second incident where a resident goes to another apartment because of loud noise, carrying something in their hand. The prior incident involved a resident who stated she wasn't threatening the worker with the bat that was in her hand. (Coincidentally, an officer was hurt in that incident.) This time it was a hammer and again the person was not intending to appear threatening. If residents don't want to appear threatening, maybe they should leave the bats and hammers at home.

The resident further stated she was using a hammer in her own apartment, yet wrote in the blog that she wanted a quiet morning. She stated that the worker felt threatened and called Public Safety and that she went back to her apartment. Before she could close her door, 4 Public Safety Officers were there. That appears to be an incredible response time. She was asked for identification and openly admits she refused to cooperate. So, I ask you...what are the Public Safety Officers to do when they are called by someone feeling threatened by another person holding a hammer? They arrive on the scene and the person holding the hammer refuses to cooperate.
Mr. Guerra also forwarded this letter he received from another Roosevelt Island resident.
Clear DayThank You Public Safety
As a disabled person on RI, I am thankful for the assistance I received On Wednesday morning Dec.10th. My van (handicap accessible) did not start, I asked a Public Safety Officer for assistance and she immediately went into action and gave me her undivided attention.
My car battery needed a boost to get started.The battery booster I had did not work and the officer called for a back up battery starter and in a few minutes, a car pulled up and another officer had the proper equipment and I was underway to my destination thanking God for the courtesy and help shown me by the officers of Public Safety.
For all my Roosevelt Island Friends the next time you get a chance thank a Public Safety officer for helping old uncle Jim.