Friday, December 19, 2008

Things To Do This Weekend in New York City and Roosevelt Island - Dyker Heights Christmas Lights, Winter Solstice Celebration, Bach & Menorah Lighting

You Tube Video of Dyker Heights Christmas Lights
Looking for fun things to do on Roosevelt Island or in some other part of New York City this weekend before Christmas and Chanukah? Here are some suggestions.

On Friday night take a trip to Dyker Heights in Brooklyn to see how neighborhood residents try to one up each other with fabulous Christmas light decorations. Gothamist says of this spectacular:
Every Christmas residents of the predominantly Italian-American community of Dyker Heights in Brooklyn try to outdo each other for the most epic light display. And they're certainly not about to let a little economic meltdown spoil the festivities; this year's displays are as spectacular as they were in the year 2000, when the hilarious documentary Dyker Lights was filmed. (It airs again on PBS Thursday night!)

Here's a map of the neighborhood, and if you don't feel like schlepping out via subway, Brooklyn's own Tony Muia operates a tour bus from Union Square to Dyker Heights...

Once in Dyker Heights, the bus—which broadcasts excerpts from the Dyker Lights film during the ride—stops again and Tony leads passengers around to the most impressive displays in the neighborhood. Finally, the tour culminates with a stop at Mona Lisa Bakery for dessert before heading back to Manhattan.
In addition to Tony's Slice of Brooklyn Dyker Heights Christmas Lights Bus Tour a walking tour of the area is given by Justinsnewyork.

On Saturday night (as well as Friday and Sunday) , the Cathedral Church of St. John the Devine is hosting Paul Winter's 29th Annual Winter Solstice Celebration with The Paul Winter Consort & Special Guests:
Gospel singer Theresa Thomason
Brazilian singer/guitarist Renato Braz
Woodwind Master Paul McCandless
A highlight of this year's Solstice events will be the return to the full space of The Cathedral, after the past several years of having only part of it available for the consort's various presentations. The stunning, fully-renovated interior of The Cathedral will be featured in these celebrations, as well as the newly restored Great Aeolian-Skinner Pipe Organ, being played for the first time since the fire in The Cathedral seven years ago.
On Sunday Celebrating With Bach, a free afternoon classical music concert will be performed at Roosevelt Island's Good Shepherd Community Center which is part of the Rosemarie and Robin Russell Family Concert Series. Comments from previous concerts include:
  • "This event is comparable to a performance at Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful concert with our community." and
  • "The Chapel of the Good Shepherd is a better place to hear (rather 'experience') chamber music than Carnegie Hall. It is close to ideal. More chamber music, please.".
Also on Roosevelt Island this weekend, the Farmers Market will be open Saturday as is Gallery RIVAA, the Roosevelt Island Visual Arts Association which is featuring the Winter of Change group show and RIOC has produced a great self guided tour map (PDF File) of Roosevelt Island for any visitor or resident looking to stroll the Island and learn something more about it. Roosevelt Island 360 reports that there will a Chanukah Menorah Lighting Ceremony in front of Blackwell House on Sunday at 5 PM with music, latkes, hot drinks and gelt.

Good weekend transportation news. The MTA is reporting normal Roosevelt Island F Train subway service in both directions and RIOC is not reporting any Tram service advisories either.

Check out some other ideas on what to do in New York City this weekend from the NY Times Urban Eye, NY Post Weekend Calendar and Newyorkology.