Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports For December 12 Thru 22 - Con Ed Transformer Explosion, Food Delivery Robbery & Red Bus Service Delays
RIOC has started to post the most current Daily and Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for December 12 - December 22 2008. Incidents included:
- Loud explosion and smoke from undergound Con Ed transformers - no injury or damage reported (12/22)
- Food delivery man robbed (12/12)
- Gristedes shopolifting (12/13)
- Reckless driving (12/13)
- Investigation of missing wedding dress (12/16)
- Computer and Ipod stolen from apartment (12/16) and
- Investigation of delay in Red Bus Service (12/18, 19)
Robbery- Delivery man reports he was robbed and injured by three males in Eastwood. A search was made with negative results. NYPD on scene, EMS transported to hospital.
Aided- Female not feeling well, was transported to Lenox Hill Hospital.
Investigation- Tenant entered PSD to reports a male tried to enter her apartment, PSD check and advised with negative results.
Aided- Female fell on bus, suffered a broken wrist, transported to New York Presbyterian.
12/13/08-7:00 AM to 12/14/08-7:00 AM
Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property- Brown bag with a cell phone in it. It was secured in PSD.
Vehicle Accident- In the Motorgate garage a vehicle struck the railing. No injuries. EMS refused. NYPD notified.
Shoplifting- Subject took a 6 pack of beer and juice and fled the Grestides Supermarket. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Verbal Dispute- Over the cost of dry cleaning rugs. Customer left store. The rugs remain in the premises. NYPD refused.
Property Damage-Damage to rear bumper of vehicle parked in the Motorgate Garage. Another vehicle had a trail of antifreeze that lead from one vehicle to the other. NYPD notified.
Lost property- a cell phone in an apt. NYPD refused.
Reckless Driving/Unlicensed Operator- Subject disregarded 2 stop signs and pulled over by PSD. Motorist had an expired drivers license and vehicle was un registered and uninsured. Summonses issued. Ownership documentation produced. Vehicle was towed.
Unlawful Possession of Marihuana- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
12/14/08 0700hrs - 12/15/08 0700hrs
Investigation/Possible Fire Hazard-In apt a meter box was warm and tenant was concerned it could be a hazard. PSD and UA Super responded and Super made arrangements for an electrician to check it 12/15/08.
Aided-A male fell and sustained small laceration on shin. He refused EMS.
Domestic Dispute- Between Husband and Wife over a lost key. No injuries. NYPD refused. They will seek counseling with their pastor.
12/15/08-7:00 AM to 12/16/08-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between a R.I. resident and a porter over work being done in an adjacent apt. Porter was working in bathroom for a water leak which was effecting various tenants. NYPD refused. UA Super responded.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Vehicle accident- No injuries. A moving truck backed into a parked vehicle. NYPD refused. Parties involved will handle the matter on their own.
Aided- Male fell and sustained pain to left arm. EMS responded and transport was refused. He will see his own private doctor.
12/16/08-7:00 AM to 12/17/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property- An IPOD Shuffle. It was secured in PSD.
Unsecured Premise - Circuit panel not working and door was open. PSD and RIOC personnel responded and corrected condition.
Aided- Youth left apt after refusing to go to school. Hours later he returned.
Unattended Property- Female left 2 grocery bags unattended. A male picked up the bags and she told him the bags were hers. He did not keep the bags. He stated he thought that belonged to a friend.
Past Burglary- In a storage room. NYPD responded and PSD.
Investigation- R.I. Resident complained that a RIOC Bus did not lower the ramp with a puddle near by and that the driver stopped and let a passenger off at a non designated area. Bus garage notified.
Grand larceny- Computer and IPOD was taken from a room in an apt. PSD responded and no signs of forced entry. NYPD notified.
Investigation- Female left a black plastic bag with a wedding dress in it. Another woman described the dress and stated it belonged to a friend and took the dress. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Aided- A female fell in apt sustained a laceration to her arm. EMS transported her to the Hospital.
Trespass/Alcohol/Open Container- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
Open Container Alcohol- Subject arrested by PSD.
12/18/08-7:00 AM to 12/19/08-7:00 AM
Dispute - Between pedestrian and cab driver. PSD responded and spoke to both parties. Both parties left without further incident.
Aided - Not feeling well called EMS. PSD responded with EMS to apt. Aided refused transport and stated he will go to his doctor on his own.
Petit Larceny - Owner reported to PSD gas credit card missing from his vehicle. No forced entry or damages to vehicle. PSD made search with negative results. Owner will go to 114 pct. on his own.
Criminal Mischief - Owner reported to PSD that unknown subject went through glove compartment, but did not take anything. No forced entry or damages to vehicle. Subject broke two CD's. PSD made search with negative results. Owner refused NYPD report.
Harassment - Resident reported to PSD officer that she was being harassed by youth who lives in her building. Reporter stated this is chronic occurrence. Reporter was also referred to management.
Missing Property - Owner reported to PSD that his car was possibly broken into. Owner reported several items were missing from car. No forced entry or damages to car. Owner will go to 114 pct. on his own. Owner not sure if he locked door.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed a wall broken inside stairwell. Search was made with negative results. Housing management notified.
Fire Alarm - Fire alarm going off in AVAC and sprinkler went off. Super turned off water and cleaned up flood. No damages to property or injuries.
Investigation - Delay in service was reported by residents. Matter was referred to bus garage.
Unsecured Premises - RIOC bus garage gate opened and stuck. Officer responded to monitor area until personnel showed up.
Lost Property - Resident brought property into PSD. Property was returned to owner.
0700 12/19/08- 0700 12/20/08
Criminal Mischief- PSD officer observed damage to wall, super notified. Search made with negative results.
Fire Alarm- PSD officer responded to 7th floor AVAC for sprinkler alarm went off on PSD panel. No Damage to property super turned off water and vacuum floor area.
Unsecured Premises- PSD officer observed gate at bus garage open ad stuck. Garage supervisor notified. PSD monitoring area.
Lost Property- Resident brought check into PSD, PSD officer returned property back to owner
Aided- Home attendant stop PSD officer because tenant has not answer door. Super and Porter notified on scene, drilled locks. Tenant arrived locks replaced.
Trespass- PSD officer observed two male subjects in unauthorized location. Summons issued and released for trespass and appearance in public under the influence.
Trespass- PSD officers responded to 540 rear lobby observed one male subject remained while other have left area. Summons issued and released.
Investigation/ No bus service- Tram manager notify PSD officer that he received complaints by five individuals waiting for the RIOC red bus. PSD Lt. reports bus #4 inside garage lot. Bus supervisor notified
12/20/08-7:00 AM to 12/21/08-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute- Between Husband and Wife. No injuries and NYPD refused. Husband was escorted out of the apt.
Aided- Male fell and refused EMS. No injuries.
Criminal Mischief- Broken light bulb. Juvenile Subject escorted to PSD and father retrieved son. Juvenile report filed.
Aided- Male stuck in the elevator. Central Parking personnel responded with master key and opened elevator. EMS refused and no injuries.
Investigation- Anonymous caller stated that there was a fire in a building. PSD responded and conducted a search of the building. No fire or smoke condition. All in order.
12/21/08-7:00 AM to 12/22/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Investigation- PSD responded for unknown condition. PSD responded and it was a faulty alarm. UA notified.
Trespass- Subject in building 19th floor was arrested by PSD.
Lost Property- A bicycle. It was secured it in PSD.
Disorderly Conduct- PSD responded to a building for dispute between 2 females. One became irate and was yelling. Subject was arrested by PSD.
12/22/08-7:AM TO 12/23/08- 7:00 AM
SMOKE CONDITION- PSD responded to a loud explosion and smoke caused by transformers under ground in front of 599 main st. FDNY responded and CON EDISON and RIOC personnel notified. No injuries or property damage reported.
AIDED- AN ill person walked into PSD and stated she was feeling dizzy. Transported to hospital by EMS.
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF- TENANT reports unknown person burned decorations on front door.
PSD and FDNY responded no injuries reported.
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF- TENANT reports unknown persons entered her yard. PSD responded made a search with negative results NYPD refused.
AIDED- PERSON fell on ice causing injury to both legs taken to the hospital by EMS.
PROPERTY DAMAGE- ACCESS a RIDE bus driver hit a sign on main st. no injuries reported.