Friday, January 23, 2009

Roosevelt Island's Child School Legacy High School Finalists in Foreign Policy Association Competion - Are They Available To Help Hillary Clintion?

Image of Hillary Clinton at State Department from NY Times

Now that former New York Senator Hillary Clinton is the new United States Secretary of State in the Obama Administration she may be looking for some help dealing with all of the difficult foreign policy and international affairs issues facing our nation. One place she may look for advice is here on Roosevelt Island where students from the Child School Legacy High School came in third place at the World Quest NYC competition hosted by the Foreign Policy Association. According to the Child School web site:
Four students from Legacy High School won 3rd place at the World Quest NYC competition on December 4. The Foreign Policy Association (FPA) hosted the event which was held at Scholastic company's headquarters. We are particulary proud of our students, Jennie E., Kevin D., Belle R., & Joe S., for facing stiff competition from 6 teams including Stuvesant High School who won 1st place. World Quest is designed to challenge players on knowledge of international affairs, geography, culture and history.

One hundred multiple-choice questions were asked from 10 categories: Biotechnology and Genetics, Transnational Crime, Global Population, International Film, The New York Times, Global Business Technology, Lebanon, Current Events, Water, and Great Decisions (Iraq, Russia, Latin America, Chinese Economic Relations, Foreign Aid and Philanthropy).
Congratulations to the students and school!