Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update On Low Cost Meals For Roosevelt Island Residents From Angel Food Ministries & RIDA - Volunteers Are Needed To Help Distribute The Food

You Tube Video of Angel Food Ministries News Report From Fox 2 News St. Louis

An update regarding the Angel Food Ministries and Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA) program to provide low-cost meals to the residents of Roosevelt Island. From an earlier post:
Gristedes and Fresh Direct may have some low cost competition in the Roosevelt Island grocery food business from a couple of Monroe Georgia Pastors and The Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA). RIDA is the local sponsor of a new Roosevelt Island monthly food delivery service from an organization called Angel Food Ministries that will provide low cost meals to all residents, regardless of income, who sign up for their services. According to their web site:
Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing grocery relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States. The program began in 1994 with 34 families in Monroe, Georgia (between Atlanta and Athens), and has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of families every month across 35 states...
Jim Bates of RIDA sends the following message seeking volunteers to help with the food distribution, information on how you can order for February and view the menu.
Thanks for asking about volunteers, Yes we can use some and even better would be for someone to go with me to pick the orders in Brooklyn this Saturday. I would need 1 or 2 to come with me and pick up the food and about 3-4 more people in the afternoon at 2:30 PM to distribute the food to the families that purchased the food.

42 people ordered 64 different items on the menu and saved more then $1800.00. I will add more days in which Islanders can order food, including Saturdays and a few evenings. We will be helping many more families save on their monthly food costs as soon as the word gets out on how much food is given and especially the quality at such a low price.
February menu is now online and we will start taking Orders this Saturday Jan 24th and end Friday Feb 13th. Delivery of food will be on Sat. February 28th. The new menu is now online at
It is important to remember that service is available to all regardless of income. Roosevelt Island ordering information is available here. Information on Angel Food Ministries in the New York and New Jersey area is here.