Howard Polivy Confirmed As New RIOC Director - Will Participate In Today's May RIOC Board And Town Hall Meetings
The RIOC Operations Committee met Wednesday afternoon regarding the following agenda items:
1. discuss the construction projects to be presented at the May 14, 2009 meeting of the RIOC Board of Directors;The webcast of the meeting will be available soon and I will have more specific information on the meeting later. Among the items discussed at the meeting were:
2. discuss the Red Bus operations;
3. receive an update on the Tram Modernization Project; and
4. receive an update on the Green Rooms/Wild Garden Project.
- the use of an electronic card system for the Red Bus, similar to a subway Metro Card, that would allow quick entry using both the front and back of bus,
- whether residents prefer a more predictable, fixed Red Bus Schedule with greater time delays between buses or less predictable continuous loop schedule that would service a greater volume of people,
- the Amalgamated Bank is seeking approval for taking over the NYNB and exercising an additional 5 year lease extension option,
- Master Plan for the new Blackwell Park may include re-purposed Tram Parts from replaced system as part of a science oriented area,
- the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (FERI) will be making another public presentation regarding the proposed Kahn/FDR Memorial on May 26 at the Good Shepherd Community Center and
- There will be a groundbreaking ceremony at Southpoint Park for the Green Rooms/ Wild Gardens Park project as well as a Presentation of the Renwick Ruins Smallpox Hospital Stabilization efforts on May 28.
The May meeting of the RIOC Board of Directors will take place this afternoon at 4:30 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center. Following the Board Meeting will be a Town Hall meeting in which residents can comment or ask questions of the RIOC Board and management. The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:
MAY 14, 2009
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. March 26, 2009 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
2. April 22, 2009 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. Authorization to Enter into Contract for Exterior Rehabilitation of the AVAC Building (Board Action Required)
2. Authorization to Enter into Contracts for Engineering Design and Landmark Consulting Services for the Good Shepherd Center's HVAC System (Board Action Required)
3. Authorization to Enter into Contract for the Design and Installation of a Fire Alarm System at Sportspark (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Enter into Contract for Swimming Pool Resurfacing at Sportspark (Board Action Required)
5. Authorization to Enter into Contract with a Landscape Architect for the Development of a Master Plan for the Blackwell Park Open Space Area (Board Action Required)
6. Ratification of Extension of Contract with Doppelmayr CTEC, Inc. for Operation and Management of the Roosevelt Island Aerial Tramway (Board Action Required)
7. Authorization to Consent to Contract Involving Former Employee of the Corporation (Board Action Required)
8. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance/Operations Advisory Committee
c. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
9. Public Safety Report
10. President’s Report
VI. Adjournment
A “TOWN HALL” STYLE FORUM SHALL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW THE ADJOURNMENT OF THE RIOC BOARD MEETING.On Monday, May 18, the Real Estate Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will meet to discuss commercial space rent arrears and receive a report on the status of the Main Street retail study.
The Town Hall Meeting is not part of the RIOC Board Meeting.
A webcast of these meetings will be available soon thereafter at the RIOC web site.