Manhattan Park's River Road Blocked Again - This Time For Main Street Repaving
I was walking by Manhattan Park on Sunday and saw an unwelcome but familiar site. The turn from Main Street to River Road was blocked off again just as it was last December. This time the reason for the road closure was not to repair an underground water leak but to continue the Main Street Pavement reconstruction. According to RIOC:
Pavement Reconstruction Advisory
Weather permitting, contractors will continue working around New Main Street. The work will take place for the week of May 4th and buses will have to be re routed for a day or two around Sports Park.
Also the continuation of Main Street Pavement Reconstruction from 40 River Road/Main Street to the Octagon Soccer Field Comfort Station entrance.
One lane will be created and the work will be performed in two halves, first half will be on the North bound lane for two weeks and second half will be on the south bound lane for two weeks as well.
While the work is in progress 40 River Road bus stop will have to be relocated .