If The Rain Holds Up This Weekend Please Play Nicely At The Roosevelt Island Ballfields
As Roosevelt Islanders probably knows by now, there was an incident last week at Capobianco Field involving a dispute between a Roosevelt Island Little League team trying to finish a game that was running late, caused to some extent by the field not being ready at the start of play, and an off- Island Adult League that had a valid permit to play on the field at that time which lead to a confrontation with the Public Safety Department and ultimately, the handcuffing and arrest of a Roosevelt Island parent. Hoping to avoid a similar situation for this weekend, I inquired of RIOC President Steve Shane:
Are there any efforts or precautions being made by RIOC to insure that there is not another incident like what occurred during last week's Little League game both from a Public Safety perspective with the next permitted group as well as having the ball fields in shape to be used by the Little League at the scheduled start of their game?Mr. Shane replied:
At the June RIRA meeting, I heard that RIOC was planning on having additional personnel available to make sure the field was ready to be used on time for the Little League players. Is that true?
With heavy overnight rain predicted, will be problematic at best. However, our groundskeepers are scheduled to start work on the field at 7, an hour before the 1st scheduled game and will do their best.
Pray for sunshine. We don't have tarps and the drainage is old and crummy.