Friday, June 5, 2009

Recent Reports Of Burglary and Stolen Items On Roosevelt Island

Burglar Cartoon Image from ryebrookroundup

A reader of this post asks:
any info on the burglaries being spoken about on RI?
I reviewed the past week's daily Public Safety Reports and listed below those incidents describing items being stolen.
Burglary - Tenant reported to PSD that someone broke into his apartment while he was away. Three game systems and two lap tops were taken. No signs of forced entry. NYPD was on scene and took a report.

0700 hrs 06/01/09 - 0700 hrs 06/02/09

Grand Larceny - Worker reported to PSD that unknown person took wallet from locker room. PSD made search with negative results. Cameras were viewed with negative results. Wallet contained credit cards and no money. Victim stated he will go to 114 pct. on his own.

Petit Larceny - PSD responded to group home for past Petit Larceny. Subject was on scene and taken into custody. Subject was taken to 114 pct. and processed by NYPD.

Investigation/Recovered Bike - Tenant reported to PSD that two youths took bike from patio and attempted to leave with it. Owner grabbed bike. Youths fled without bike. PSD searched area with negative results.

6/3 - 6/4

Investigation - Resident reported that his apartment was burglarized and laptop and DVD player were missing. No signs of forced entry and NYPD refused.

0700 hrs 06/04/09 - 0700 hrs 06/05/09

Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that after returning from church, she noticed her purse containing money and jewelry missing from her apartment. PSD responded and found no force entry. NYPD refused.
Please let me know if anyone knows of other incidents involving item being stolen on Roosevelt Island.

Here is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incidents by Category and location for the Months of April and May 2009.