Roosevelt Island Summer Outdoor Movie Showing of Transformers Tonight Plus The Schedule For The Rest Of Summer
Remember that the Roosevelt Island Outdoor Movie showing of the Transformers which was canceled last Saturday due to the rain is scheduled to be shown tonight at Firefighters Field.
Also, RIOC Community Relations Specialist Erica Wilders send the following information regarding the remaining Roosevelt Island Summer Outdoor Movie Schedule:
Hello Everyone,For fans of Transformers, the sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, is expected to be the big summer blockbuster movie and is opening tomorrow. The Daily News says:
Summer is almost here! We are excited to present our outdoor movie series at Firefighters Field starting this Saturday. Our June 20th screening of "Transformers" promises to be one of the best movies of the summer line up. In the event of rain, which seems very likely for Saturday, we will meet on Tuesday, June 23rd. Bring your family and friends as we enjoy great pre-show music and entertainment.
Films will begin at sundown (8:45pm. 8:05pm for screenings in August), but patrons are invited to come early, bring a picnic basket, spread out a blanket, grab some popcorn and enjoy an awesome evening at Firefighters Field! Also, be sure to book the following dates for the remaining films:
Sunday, July 19th- 50 First Dates
Monday, July 27th- Kung Fu Panda
Saturday, August 8th- Forrest Gump
Monday, August 17th- Hairspray
Hope to see you there!
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" - the biggest, most smashmouth movie of the summer - has arrived, and trying to avoid it will be like getting out of the way of a 20-robot-car pileup.UPDATE - 10:45 AM - RIOC reports that tonight's Transformers movie has been canceled again and is being rescheduled for Sunday night June 28 8:45 at Firefighters Field.
With wild anticipation waiting for it, "Trans 2," its blood a mixture of Red Bull and diesel fuel, is set to be 2009's box-office steamroller. But though it has plenty of popcorn moments that can be big, dumb fun (alien secrets under a pyramid, sexy girls who sprout mechanical tails at the worst moments), director Michael Bay's sequel is louder and more illogical than the megasuccessful 2007 original....