Another Restaurant Option For Roosevelt Island Residents -Bridge View Cafe, Just Across The Roosevelt Island Bridge
A reader points out another option for Roosevelt Island residents looking for nearby restaurant options - the Bridge View Cafe located just across the Roosevelt Island Bridge on 36th Avenue and Vernon B'lvd in Long Island City. The reader writes:
I don’t know whether you post things like this but I would like to put in a plug for the new restaurant on the other side of our bridge at Vernon Boulevard.Their menu is here
It’s called the BRIDGE VIEW CAFÉ
Without Roosevelt Island’s patronage, I fear that it will meet the same fate as the restaurant it replaced.
A group of us ate there last night and were very pleased.
The food was good, nicely served and the prices are very, very reasonable.
They advertised once in the WIRE but didn’t get any response and can’t afford to continue advertising if it doesn’t bring them any results.
As it is another choice for us here on the island who are so restaurant starved – I think it behooves us to do everything possible to help them stay in business.