Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Roosevelt Island Little League Celebration - Mending Fences And A Great Time For All! Plus A Game Winning Walk Off Hit Too!!!

Image by Adib Mansour (Bluebeard)

Adib Mansour (aka Bluebeard), the Little League parent who organized last Saturday's A Day of Celebration to:
...honor the kids for their passion and love for baseball, as well as their undisputed friendships....
mend hard feelings and a start of island bonding.
provides the following recap on the day's events.
The day Saturday was as perfect as could be. The weather cooperated, the fields were ready on time, the children played beautifully, the parents enjoyed the games and the company, officials mingled with the residents... and it went on ALL DAY LONG. The day started at 8AM and ended at 7pm, the only complaints I heard were the parents that sat too long in their seats, or the kids that didn't have enough!

The first game for third and fourth spots, between the Green and Purple teams, was one for the books. It kept going back and fourth between the leads of the Green and Purple teams, and culminated in a big push by the Green team at the end of the last inning, securing their win. Both teams celebrated the game together, got their trophies and ate barbecued food.

The second game, between the Red and Blue teams, for 1st and second spots, was an exhilarating game. We saw kids batting like they've never batted before, and runs that have broken previous records. The children's knowledge of the game was so obvious, something the coaches have been diligent about. The young ones played their hearts out, the older ones mastered their game. The red team kept their push to win the first spot. Both teams celebrated with trophies, jumping in the air, chanting congratulatory songs as well as conciliatory words to each others.

The third game (also know as the Marathon ALL STARS game) went on and on and on for numerous hours. I felt like I were watching the major leagues. Roosevelt Island is truly blessed with a powerful team, one that should travel, win awards, and bring us pride. This game was filled with camaraderie, fun, and superb plays from everyone.

Brian King was in a "zen" zone during the All Stars game. Funny, witty and generous.

What a day! The community in general bonded: the children played full games with no interruptions, RIOC was there to help maintain the field in between games, Coaches cheered and directed their teams, the children played like pros, the parents enjoyed every moment, the umpires were meticulous, Public Safety directors enjoyed the games with their friends and family... and I took some nice pictures while resting on my blue recliner. I also saw a lot of parents texting the results to the loved ones that could not make it, play by play.

This day has become the standard for the people of Roosevelt Island.

The Youth Center's seasonal games are over until next fall, when Soccer starts again. In the meantime, I'd like us all to secure "free-time" for the children and their families during the summer -a time for the community to bond and get together, play, and have fun. I suggest that RIOC sets and publishes daily blocks of time that are dedicated to Roosevelt island's kids and families, times that are not rented to outside teams/leagues. Periods of time that are meant for the island to bond!
Mr. Mansour's suggestion of setting aside time for Roosevelt Island residents to be able to use at least one of the local ball fields rather than renting them all out to non-resident teams/leagues is a good one. I hope RIOC does as well.

Image by Adib Mansour (Bluebeard)

RIOC Maintenance workers getting Capobianco Field ready for the game. Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra and Deputy Director Rene Bryan are watching.

There's More!

All images by Adib Mansour (Bluebeard)

As an extra Roosevelt Island Baseball bonus here is a walk off game winning hit during another game at Firefighters Field.

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Baseball Game