Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Roosevelt Island Complaint Of Bed Bugs at Eastwood/ Roosevelt Landings - Are You Scratching Yet?

You Tube Video of Bed Bug Attack

Another report of Bed Bugs found at Roosevelt Island's Eastwood/ Roosevelt Landings building complex. From the 9/11 Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Report:
Investigation - A complainant reported bedbugs in her mattress, complainant referred to Urban American Management.
Here is a July post on earlier incident of Bed Bugs reported at Eastwood/Roosevelt Landings.
Very few things are as disgusting and creepy as bed bugs. They lurk in your furniture or bed and come out to feed on your blood at night.... once they are in one apartment they can easily get into adjacent ones.
A recent NY Times article described how the presence of bed bugs impacts condo sales:
... Complaints about bedbugs have risen sharply over the last few years in New York, according to city officials, and no neighborhood in the city has been spared. While the pests do not pose a dangerous health risk, they inflict considerable psychological distress on their unwilling hosts. Moreover, the uninvited guests can be excruciatingly difficult and costly to evict.

According to the law, sellers and their brokers must acknowledge a problem if asked. But conflicts of interest aside, neither can be expected to know whether an infestation exists elsewhere in the building.

The problem is so pervasive that some lawyers have begun incorporating sellers’ representations about bedbugs into sales contracts, adding to now-standard ones about leaks, mold and noise issues. And buyers are having to determine if the pests are a deal-breaker or just one more headache on the road to a new home...

But nothing on what redress tenants in a rental building may have or not. However, a 2008 NY Sun article reported: ...

... In New York City, landlords are responsible for getting rid of bed bugs in infested buildings and units and they must pay for extermination.

This was not always the case, but a turning point was a 2004 case, Ludlow Properties, LLC, vs. Young, in which Judge Cyril Bedford sided with a tenant who refused to pay rent for six months because of a persistent bed bug problem.

"Although bedbug are classified as vermin, they are unlike the more common situation of vermin such as mice and roaches, which, although offensive, do not have the effect on one's life as bedbugs do, feeding upon one's blood in hoards nightly turning what is supposed to be bed rest or sleep into a hellish experience," Judge Bedford wrote....

For those not scratching at the moment, more on bed bugs.