Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Meeting Tonight - Come Find Out What Is Going On

Image of December 2009 RIRA Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will be meeting tonight. The RIRA Common Council is composed of residents elected from each of the Roosevelt Island buildings. If you are interested in learning what's going on here on Roosevelt Island - Come On Down!

Prior to the start of the meeting there is an opportunity for the public to present any issues of concern to the Council. Below is the Agenda for tonight's meeting.


Date: Wednesday, January , 2010
Time: 8:00 P.M. - Finish
Place: Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street
1. Public Session (8:00)
- Discussion of trees

2. Roll Call (8:30)
X 3. Approval of Agenda (8:35)
4. Approval of Minutes (8:40)
X - December 2 minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report (8:45)
- Report provided
6. President's Report (8:50)
7. Committee Reports (9:00)
Housing - J. Micheff & L. Strong-Shinozaki
Social, Cultural and Educational Services - N. Leopold
Island Services - A. Hamburger
Planning - M. Katz
Communications - E. Erickson
Government Relations - M. Smith
Public Safety - E. Feely-Nahem

8. Old Business (9:45)

9. New Business (10:00)

10. Adjourn
X Agenda items requiring action
Town Hall Meeting for December RIOC Board Meeting: Wednesday, January 13, 2009, 8-9:30PM
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 (Mailing Deadline: January 29, 2010)
Future Meetings: March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, Septmber 15, October 6, November 3

UPDATE 4:55 PM - RIRA President Frank Farance adds:
Here's some points that we might consider somewhere in tonight's agenda.

1. Fernando Martinez of RIOC will make a presentation on why they think Main Street should be one way. At last month's meeting, I explained their ideas and several of you had concerns, so I asked RIOC if they would present at the January meeting. Mr. Martinez will be first in the public session. The presentation and discussion should be about 20-30 minutes. Considering we have a very light agenda otherwise, I think we have room for Mr. Martinez' presentation.

2. Regaring the MTA discussion, although I could discuss this in the President's report, I would like to address this under the Planning Committee agenda item. I think we need to determine RIRA's next steps, including a written response to the MTA.

3. Matt Katz will report on the RI Bridge.

4. Rachel Reid Chung asks: I was hoping you could add to new business a discussion regarding a resolution from RIRA regarding placing a fence of some sort to segragate the swings from the rest of the toddler playground in southtown. I had mentioned the danger to Rosina Abramson a while back and she sent me an email saying she would like a recommendation from RIRA before proceeding. I have never proposed a resolution before but I guess I will try to write one and have it ready for the meeting. Shall I send it to you before the meeting? [Yes, Rachel, please bring proposed wording.]

5. Steve Marcus asks: Frank - Please leave time to get names for a Pub Purp Committee. We need to start meeting in a few weeks.

6. Island House and Westview will have annual board of directors elections. They might need volunteers as election monitors.

7. I'm not sure where this belongs, but is RIRA supportive of the master lease idea from RIOC? I think this deserves some disucssion. Can e discuss this in Planning or Island Services.

8. Matt pointed out a couple corrections in the agenda. I'll bring copies tonight.