Thursday, January 7, 2010

RIOC Proposing To Reroute Southbound Roosevelt Island Red Bus Traffic - Presentation Made At Last Night's RIRA Meeting

Image of RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez Addressing RIRA

Last night's Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Meeting began with a presentation by RIOC's VP of Operations Fernando Martinez describing a proposed plan to reroute the Roosevelt Island southbound Red Bus to the East Channel (Queens Side) Road when it passes the Blackwell Turnaround in Southtown replacing the current West Channel route. Mr. Martinez explained the reason for this change is due to safety issues caused by a "blind spot" at the current subway Red Bus stop as riders exit the back of the bus and cross the street to the subway station not seeing oncoming northbound traffic. Mr. Martinez said that during the last two years there have been 3 pedestrian and one vehicular accident at this spot.

According to the proposed new Red Bus route, after the Southbound Red Bus passes Blackwell House it will make a left around the turnaround to the East Channel and stop at Riverwalk Commons near the Bar & Grill. It will then travel along Main Street and stop opposite the current Tram stop and continue on its way to the subway. Below is a diagram detailing new route provided by Mr. Martinez. Click on image for larger picture.
After the presentation, there was a productive question and answer period between Mr. Martinez and RIRA Council Members. Some members favored this new route and others had additional thoughts and suggestions. One suggestion was to keep the existing route but move the current subway bus stop further north to remove the "blind spot" safety problem and/or place a Public Safety officer at the bus stop to direct traffic during rush hours which would also eliminate the "blind spot" issue. Another suggestion was to just ban private cars from using the West Channel during rush hours by directing them to the East Channel road.

One Council Member was concerned about what he sees as a long walk from the proposed new East Channel bus stop to the subway in the rain and wanted RIOC to build a canopy along the Riverwalk Commons to keep riders dry in this event. A fellow Council Member suggested an umbrella would solve that problem.

Mr. Martinez made an excellent presentation whether you agree with the proposal or not. He and the current RIOC administration should be acknowledged for involving the Roosevelt Island community through our elected representatives at RIRA in this planning process.