Best Wishes For A Happy & Healthy New Year In 2010 - Busy New Year's Eve For Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2010.
Looks like New Years Eve was a busy time for the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department. Here's what kept them busy:
12/31/09-7:00 AM to 1/1/10-7:00 AMCorrection: Oops -Some confusion as to whether these events happened on New Year's Eve or day. They occurred on New Year's Day.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Missing Person- Adult female upset because mother had her leave a party. Female threatened to kill herself. Female arrived home in a cab. PSD and NYPD responded. Female refused EMS. NYPD did not file a report.
Aided/EDP- Youth with emotional problems screaming in dwelling. PSD and EMS responded. Youth transported to the hospital by EMS.
Harassment- Between two residents over money. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Grand Larceny of an Auto (Off Island)-Resident reported that his vehicle was stolen at 36th Ave location between 11th and 12 th street. PSD and NYPD responded. Search made with negative results. NYPD filed a report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Harassment- Resident opened door after hearing person knock. There were four female subjects. One threw water at the resident. All fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
NYPD refused.
Menacing/Harassment- Male resident stated that six male youth followed him and made threats. he walked onto the street and youths ceased. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Arrest/Trespass/Criminal Possession of Marijuana- PSD Officer assisted NYPD with arrest.
Trespass/Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- Two Subjects arrested by PSD.
Graffiti- In a hallway of a building. Search made with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Found Property- A bag with children's books. Bag was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Escape from Police Custody (off Island in Queens)-PSD and NYPD conducted a search for subject with negative results.
Aided- A child was crying and ill. He refused to take medication. NYPD spoke to both parent and child. Parent administered medication to child.