Friday, February 5, 2010

Ghost Hunter Explores Roosevelt Island's Renwick Ruins Smallpox Hospital - Not Known If Any Spirit Voices Heard

You Tube Video Of Ghost Hunter Visits Roosevelt Island Small Pox Hospital (Part 1)

Roosevelt Island's Renwick Ruins Smallpox Hospital at Southpoint Park continues to hold an odd attraction for many residents and visitors alike. Bloggers such as Bespoke Affairs write:
It's been awhile since I have visited Roosevelt Island...something about it has always creeped me out (a bit). Even before I ever became a "wedding planner", I was oddly drawn to Renwick Ruins and the idea of doing a photo shoot there... ...Any photographers out there want to jump the fence and risk getting arrested? Well...I don't want to get arrested!!...
You might not want to try and jump the fence to get a closer look because something unfortunate may have happened to folks at Urban Omnibus that they don't want to talk about:
... wicked cool ruins of the Renwick Smallpox hospital – we learned the hard way not to try to sneak in – on the southern tip of the island....
Ghost Stories and Haunted Places adds to the Renwick Ruins Smallpox Hospital spookiness and mystery:
...the island was also the site of a Smallbox Hospital, which housed small pox patients from 1856 until 1886. The intense suffering that went on in this building added to it's ruined state have built numerous rumors about it's ghostly activity. The ruined hospital is now known as the Renwick Ruin and is brightly lit at night giving it a ghostly glow that only adds to stories....
Then there was the Ghost Hunter, Fox News radio's Spencer Hughes who, after waiting in the early morning hours before the Southpoint Park gate opened:

  You Tube Video Of Ghost Hunter Visits Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park found the "motherlode" at Southpoint's Renwick Ruins:
...A sign explains how this was home to those spilled over from poorhouses, prisons, and “lunatic” asylums. It opened in 1832. I conducted some respectful EVP sessions (looking for electronic voice phenomenon, or spirit voices…voices not heard with the ear but picked up on recording devices) before continuing the short walk to the Ruins of Renwick. What an amazing site. It looks like a gothic castle just sitting there, decaying from the passage of time. An effort is under way to stabilize the structure before it collapses completely. I did some more EVP work along the perimeter, just on the other side of the chain link fence that keeps the curious from breaking their neck exploring the actual building....

You Tube Video Of Ghost Hunter Visits Roosevelt Island Small Pox Hospital (Part 2)

That's why some people are fascinated by Roosevelt Island and the Renwick Ruins. One of the items on the Agenda for Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation's (RIOC) February 18 meeting has to do with the stabilization of the Renwick Ruins Smallpox Hospital. According to RIOC's Agenda, the item is:
2. Authorization to Enter into Amendment of Contract with Alternate Construction Concepts LLC for the Renwick Ruin Stabilization Project (Board Action Required)