Thursday, March 25, 2010

Google Ultra High Speed Broadband Service For Roosevelt Island In Exchange For Tram Naming Rights & Access To NYC Media Market? What A Deal!!!!!!

Google Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin In Exchange For Ultra High Broadband?

As reported in this earlier post via Google:
Google is planning to launch an experiment that we hope will make Internet access better and faster for everyone. We plan to test ultra-high speed broadband networks in one or more trial locations across the country. Our networks will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today, over 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We'll offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.

From now until March 26th, we're asking interested municipalities to provide us with information about their communities through a Request for information (RFI), which we'll use to determine where to build our network.
Communities all over America are extolling their virtues vying to be a recipient of Google's ultra high speed Internet service.

According to the NY Times:
...The mayor of Duluth, Minn., threw himself into the ice-ringed waters of Lake Superior. The mayor of Sarasota, Fla., immersed himself in a tank filled with bonnethead sharks, simply to one-up him. The mayor of Wilmington, N.C., said that he would even jump out of an airplane — with a parachute, of course....
and Mashable reports:
...First there was Topeka, KS, which renamed itself by proclamation to Google, KS. Then Duluth, MN upped the ante by promising (comedically, we hope) to name all the town’s first-born children after Google. Then Greenville, SC entered the fray with their all-out “We Are Feeling Lucky” social media campaign that included a landing page, YouTube channel, Facebook events, and Twitter hashtag....

This earlier post suggested Roosevelt Island would be a great place for Google to select. What does Roosevelt Island bring to the table in exchange for being a Google ultra high speed broadband test community? Despite being a small urban community of approximately 13,000, we are in the world's largest media market and could generate unlimited global publicity and exposure to Google while at the same time being an Island in the East River having a limited geographic region to wire.

Another factor, Roosevelt Island is under the political jurisdiction of a single governmental entity, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC), which has the ability, if it wishes, to move quickly with little bureaucratic impediments. Also, two hospitals on the Island, Coler Goldwater Hospital, with Cornell-Weill and New York Presbyterian Hospital right across the East River could participate by experimenting with medical usage of ultra high speed broadband access.

Let's not forget that the Roosevelt Island Tram is a major New York City tourist attraction with people from all over the world viewing the fantastic skyline and waterfront views as they ride it over the East River. After the Tram's six month modernization program is completed in September, it will be one of the most advanced municipal aerial transportation systems in the world.

So here's the deal for Google. Select Roosevelt Island as a community for your ultra high speed broadband Internet service and you will receive all of the benefits of being in the New York City media market plus have a GOOGLE TRAM. What could be better than that!

Roosevelt Island Tram Image Minus Google Logo from Dan Dickinson

If necessary, RIOC President Steve Shane may be persuaded, like the Mayors of Deluth and Sarasota respectively, to throw himself into bone chilling ice water, swim with sharks or whatever the Roosevelt Island equivalent would be - perhaps dodging Verdant Power's East River water turbines.